It’s Heaven In A Cup. 

If you haven’t tried Starbucks’s new S’mores frappachino…. YOU ARE MISSING OUT.  I would describe it’s heavenly goodness for you, but you’ll just have to trust me and taste it for yourself.  PS. Photos below were S’mores frappe numero 2. … Continue reading

Let Them See YOU.

In just a few hours I will be leaving my church with a team filled with some of my closest friends to a country that God had set before me a year ago in order to find His plans for my life.

I am so excited and SO privileged to have the opportunity to return to this beautiful Spanish-speaking country!


This afternoon a song came on the radio. My mom took her chance to throw in the comment, “This should really be y’alls prayer for the trip.” But little does she know that I pray that these words define my life, not just ten days of my short time on this earth.

Every time I hear this song I can’t help but think of all the conversations I get to have with others, including the ones in Spanish (which is totally the beauty of this song…every word I speak and sing even in another language, I hope is pointing someone towards Jesus). Every opportunity I have to show God’s love to someone – even if it’s without words – I am just so overwhelmingly joyful for it.


So as I head for what little sleep I can catch in order to prepare for the next ten days (yes, there will be no blog next Tuesday – I am sad), I wanted to share this song with you all. I truly hope that this can be a prayer for your life as well.





Let Them See You

Take away the melodies, take away the songs I sing
Take away all the lights and all the songs You let me write
Does the man I am today say the words you need to say

Let them see You in me let them hear You when I speak
Let them feel You when I sing
Let them see You, let them see You in me

Who am I with out Your grace, another smile another face
Another breath a grain of sand passing quickly through Your hand
I give my life an offering take it all take everything


With every breath I breathe I sing a simple melody
But I pray they’ll hear more than a song
In me, in me


The Piano Guys.

The guitar – an instrument I have been privileged to teach myself to play. The instrument that has allowed me to bring the Good News of Jesus to all different people. The piano – an instrument I desire to to learn to play. … Continue reading

Armed Forces Day.

“[To praise] the work of the military services at home and across the seas…” — President Truman, in his speech announcing the formation of the day.

To those who are currently deployed, to those who are in training, and all of you in between – thank you, thank you, thank you.

I have gotten to befriend someone in the army my freshman year of college. This has been my closest tie to the army, or any branch for that matter. And I am truly thankful for his service and his willingness to inform me about those lovely words that only those involved understand. A branch has a whole new meaning when someone you know is involved.

Meanwhile, I grew up through elementary school and middle school with a friend whose dad has made a career out of being a soldier, and I know their family is very proud of him.

So once again, thank you all branches of the Armed Forces!

Deuteronomy 31:8 “The LORD is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” (NASB)
